Optimizing Outcomes in Rehabilitation: Motor Learning Principles and Beyond


Course Description

Course Description:

Clinicians each develop their own “style” of patient care. Yet, even when two therapists seem to be implementing similar treatment approaches, often one seems to always see better outcomes with their patients. What “secret sauce” are they using to help patients reach higher potentials? Often it is not just the interventions employed, but the manner in which both therapists and patients approach rehabilitation. This is seen not only in treatment design, but also includes the way a therapist interacts with and empowers the patient. Participants will, by the end of this course, gain a knowledge and understanding of how to optimize rehabilitation outcomes in their patients by using current and evidence-based application of motor learning concepts and principles of neuroplasticity, including contemporary evidence for autonomy support and the effects of improving patient motivation and focus.

Contact Hours: 6
Video Course Format: Video
Target Audience:
Instructional Level: Intermediate BOC Level of Difficulty: Essential